Investment in human resources training allows ABMN to have a technical support team whose knowledge and skills follow up the technological evolution, as well as the introduction of new solutions to the market.
ABMN has a Technical Team with skills and know-how to provide qualified assistance for its solutions throughout its life cycle:
"At the Primavera ERP level, in order to provide excellence services that are in line with the PREMIUM PARTNER status, ABMN support team maintains its certification updated by Primavera Academy. The support area consists of technicians with the status of Primavera Consultants, which guarantees the user a thorough knowledge of the product and the resolution of their problems."
Regarding the support to the implemented solutions, ABMN has different modalities to access support services:
Each of these Technical Support access mode presents specific conditions, regarding features such as time limits, response time, type of support it covers, or others. However, the quality of the provided service is granted to every support request.